Need something to help you find out whether you are shrinking or enlarging a drawing properly? Then use Scaletron! This small and simple software for Mac works like an electronic version of the old graphic arts proportion wheel. It is perfect for figuring out the proper sizing for artworks, documents, and almost anything else you can think of.

One of the best mini softwares that artists, photographers, pre-press gurus or web designers can have in their arsenal.

Using this software is quite easy. All you need to do is  enter the parameters that you want to calculate. Their site lists several options on how to go about this.

  • Enter an original width and a new width to get the scaling percentage.
  • Enter an original width and a percentage to obtain the new width.
  • Enter an original width and height and a new width and get the scaling percentage and the new height.
  • Determine the effective resolution of your images after enlargement or reduction.

Of course, the program doesn’t really end at scaling. Their site also advises that you can use the program for everyday interests like calculating that 10% tip when dining out or maybe even figuring out your golf game stats.

For a small little (and free) program, it’s actually quite handy. Not much complaints here. Once you install it, you won’t even notice it’s there until you use it so that’s always a plus in my book.  The program needs at the very least, a Mac OS X to function properly.

Related Links:

Scaletron! Official Website
Scaletron! on MacUpdate
Scaletron! on FindMySoft
Scaletron! on DoDownload