Modern Combat 5: Blackout from Gameloft sets a new standard as far FPS on mobile is concerned. The graphics are very impressive, the storyline is compelling and the multiplayer and single player modes are both exciting. In addition, the customization provided here is extensive, thus increasing replayability.

If you’ve played any of these FPS games before, you’ll see that Blackout is just bigger and better, and the multiplayer arenas are much more expansive. Four classes are available in the game and each one has special weapons and abilities that you can unlock, so if you’re looking for variety there’s plenty here.

The game starts with only the first tier for each class available, but you’ll unlock the rest by playing and gaining experience. It’s worth noting that there are no IAPs here so all the upgrades have to be earned from playing. If you’re eager for some multiplayer action, then there’s plenty of options like team battle, capture the flag, free for all and more. In addition there’s a Squad system that allows you to take part in squad battles, and they’re a lot of fun.

Whether it’s single or multiplayer mode, the game plays very smoothly, and the controls are as responsive as can be on mobile. With plenty of large maps, modes and customization, Modern Combat 5: Blackout is going to keep you occupied, and with tons of weapons to choose from, it’s no wonder that Modern Combat 5: Blackout is considered one of, if not the best FPS on mobile.

Related Links:
Modern Combat 5: Blackout on iTunes
Modern Combat 5: Blackout on Google Play
Modern Combat 5: Blackout Official Website
Modern Combat 5: Blackout on Facebook
Modern Combat 5: Blackout on Twitter
Gameloft Official Website