MobaPhoto from MobaTek is a free program that provides the digital photographer with all the tools they will need. With this you can create professional looking photo galleries on the web, and you don’t need to know any special editing skills to do it. MobaPhoto also has tools that you can use to touch up pictures.

MobaPhoto is all about creating photo galleries online, but it has plenty of photo editing tools that you can use to get those pictures ready. You can crop and resize photos easily, and you can correct the red eyes on pictures too. In short, this is a nice, portable app that you can rely on. There’s a batch mode here so you can crop, correct the red eyes and resize several images at once.


When it comes to photo gallery creation MobaPhoto does things automatically and will upload the photos as well. Best of all you don’t need to know anything about creating web pages to do it. And there’s no need to worry about how your photo galleries show up because MobaPhoto is compatible with all browsers.

Learning how to use the application is very easy. At the welcome window you can choose any of the following tasks to operate: batch rename, edit photos, batch resize photos and create web galleries. Just click one and follow the instructions. MobaPhoto doesn’t need to be installed, so you can start and use this application from a USB stick. The entire program is only 1.6 MB so space won’t be a problem either.

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