Looking for a place to eat? The Zagat app can help you as it locates the best restaurants around you. With its crowd sourced reviews you get information and feedback about the best places to dine out. The latest version has a bigger Map user group, Local Guides program, specialized menu and more.

The interface is user friendly and has been revamped so it is easier to navigate. The app can recommend according to the time and your location. So if it is almost dinner time you just tap a button and Zagat recommends a restaurant nearby that serves dinner.

The find nearby function lists all the restaurants close by, and they are sorted according to user ratings so you get the best ones. There is a toggle button if you want to view all the restaurants. You can use the filter button to select specific types such as brunch, deli, American and so on.

The filters let you narrow the search to the service score, decor rating, food reviews, price range, open hours, whether you can make online reservations and so on. You can sort the restaurants by price, rating, and new places if you want to explore new locations. You can also switch to maps view complete with pins.

Zagat can also point you to the best wines in your location, Italian cuisine and other top picks. You can browse their City’s Best and save your picks as a list. While there are a lot of restaurants. There are a lot of features on the app but they are well implemented and easy to sort out.

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