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Earwig: Under My Skin I Am Laughing

Earwig is a three piece band, led by the chanteuse, Kirsty Yates, Sergei Tardo, and Dimitri Voulis. This lineup only lasted for one record though, the experimental and hauntingly melodic, Under My Skin I Am Laughing. This compilation was originally released back in 1992 under La Di Da. This compilation is the only full length release from the electronic, experimental outfit. Afterwards, Sergei and Kirsty pursued on as the Insides. They released their record Euphoria to great acclaim and this also helped solidify their jazzy, trippy, and transient sound. Currently, the group are on hiatus. Their last effort as Insides was a full length record released back on 2000, Sweet Tips. Nevertheless, you can take a listen to this Earwig record and see how it all started.