Jable’s Adventure

Jable’s Adventure

Developer Jason "Jajitsu" Boyer has come up with one of the most entertaining, not to mention very funny little platformer called Jable's Adventure. It's about a kid who has a squid on his head. The squid suddenly shows up one day and proclaims Jabel to be the hero. Meanwhile, Jabel is curious about this "hero" thing and decides to go along. He then sets off  in these adventures where he bother's mermaids, shoots bears and other weird creatures. This fun game contains amazing graphics that  you didn't even think was possible in pixel art. Even better is that the game contains an awesome soundtrack (which you can download separately) as well as great gameplay. It's a bit short at under an hour, depending on your speed, but it's definitely a fun play. So if you have nothing better to do, have a go at playing this highly entertaining platformer.