

Want to make those fun and quirky animation stick figures? If you do, then try out Stykz. It's one of the first multi-platform stick figure animation program that you can use. Stykz allows you to create frame by frame animation and gives you the option to see what work you've done on the previous page. The program is easy to learn and provides a simple interface that both beginners and seasoned animators can use.


Taksi is a straightforward program that works great in capturing live video from different types of 3D games or any 3D application. It helps users compress file formats in real time and contains customizable keyboard shortcuts to help capturing much easier. Taksi is inspired from Fraps, which also works to capture 3D images from the computer screen. But the best thing about this program is that it is absolutely free; letting you enjoy it anytime.

Tweek Auto Post

No doubt Twitter has become a part of a lot of people's daily lives. In fact, for some, it's hard not to sneak a tweet or two even in the most unconventional/prohibited places like the workplace! If you are looking for a more efficient (and much safer) way of getting your 140 word thoughts out even while you are busy, you can use Tweek Auto Post to post your messages at a scheduled time.


Need a program that works great in helping you morph two faces into one? FotoMorph is a free software that you can use to create fun morphing animation of your favorite portrait pictures. Turn a cute little boy into a roaring lion or maybe turn Justin Bieber into Miley Cyrus. We've seen this technique done in many programs and videos, so now, you can make one for yourself to impress friends, amuse yourself or maybe even for work.


Are you tired of not having enough games to play on your Macbook? Then getting Sixtyforce onto your system can help you make the most of your free time. Sixtyforce is actually a Nintendo 64 emulator that turns your mac into a gaming machine. It translates the code from normal Nintendo 64 games into a language that you macbook understands. Best of all, it's all for free so you can enjoy playing countless games right on your computer.


Love reading comic books online? If you do, Jomic is a must have software on your Macbook. Jomic is capable of reading comic books that are stored in the CBZ, CBR and PDF file formats. It turns your computer screen into an instant comic book, full of colorful imagery and of course, the important two page option. Reading comic books using your Macbook is made much easier and it doesn't rob from the excitement and interest that you normally get when holding comic books in your hand.


Managing an e-book collection can become challenging, especially if you don't have an e-book reader or organizer. With Calibre, managing your e-book library has become so much easier. The program is easy to understand since it contains readable icons and the layout is very professional. Calibre is a great program to host your e-book library, making it easier to find a particular book and read them.


Although some people might think that the days of the CD/DVD is going South, there are still in fact plenty of people who use these shiny little round plastics for various purposes. If you need help setting up a special mix CD or simply need to save data on CD/DVD, then Infrarecorder can help you out with that. This is one open source software that you can count on when it comes to most of your burning needs.


There are plenty of legitimate reasons why it's important to be able to surf anonymously. Whether you want to cover your tracks whenever you enter personal data onto a website or whether you just want to hide your browsing activities; having a reliable anonymous surfing software can greatly help. Vidalia is a simple but easy to use software that provides users with a great degree of privacy; ensuring that every surfing move is kept protected to a certain degree.