E-lectricity directed by Miklas Manneke is a quirky short film taking place in a Monahanong, a small township on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa.

It is there where a shortage of paraffin is threatening the town with a complete darkness; if no one will come up with a great new invention that will brighten up any night, that is.
The film is filled with bright colors that take over the village, more than just lovely narration, and great camera work.

Seeing his town slowly falling into darkness a young inventor, Walter Hlase, sets on a mission to create a new renewable energy source that would not only make everyone ‘see’ again, but also to finally gain the respect and friendship of the townsfolk. Soon our introverted, shy friend shuts the door to his lab beginning his long journey to the invention that will surely change his life. He works tirelessly day and night, but every time there is a sign of a victory there is also a sign of a failure just seconds after the presentation. Will Hlase come up with a solution on his own?

E-lectricity is filled with more than just colorful set of characters, all of whom will certainly make you smile. At times it even seems as if the entire village helped with a shooting the movie.

Being a graduation film, E-lectricity will surely win you over with its overall presentation; from camerawork, to acting, set, and music flawlessly setting up the mood of this lovely creation. This well thought out, ‘feel good’ storyline does not come without some valuable life lessons, so go ahead and check it out. Download available through Vimeo.

Related Links:
E-lectricity on Vimeo