
Assassin Blue

Assassin Blue is a cool action-platformer done by Banov. Like most games done by this cool developer, the game is quite interesting and fun to play. You get to control a little dude, named Blue, and traverse 12 levels, fighting and slashing enemies. Some of these enemies include dinosaurs in the sand, by the way. The entire game is done in 2D and features really tight gameplay and funny dialogue. Like most of Banov's games (Dubloon, Wolf or Crazy Over Goo), this one is extremely interesting and definitely worth your while. It has tons of awesome sword and boss fights as well as a good number of unlockable levels that you can enjoy. Go ahead and download the game for free right here or head on over to Banov's website to get it.

Crazy Over Goo

Crazy Over Goo is the brainchild of quirky and entertaining game developer, Banov. This little platformer lets you control a little yellow goo or ball that is in pursuit of his one and only. Although it's not exactly a sequel, it was made as a follow-up to the developer's Assassin Blue. The game is actually a simple point and click adventure that contains 50 or so levels of fun things that you need to do. It also offers a cool level editor as well as plenty of unlockables to enjoy. Crazy Over Goo was initially released back in 2009 and was first known as Yellow Goo Love. If you need something simple but definitely entertaining to play, then you're looking at that game. Give it a try by clicking the download link.


If you love buccaneers or pirates, then you'll adore Dubloon. Created by Banov, the game is a huge point and click adventure. Don't be misled by the point and click gameplay though, because this one actually plays like a true blue RPG. You'll have items to collect and you can explore your world. Like any RPG, whenever you encounter an enemy you are transported into a different fighting scene accompanied with your stats and all. The premise is a bit typical. You're an ordinary person that happens upon a big treasure, so you go ahead and gather up a crew to make the treasure your own.

Escape from the Underworld

Ever wonder what it would be like if you were a heavenly being- all powerful and awesome- and you suddenly got thrown out of heaven to wallow in your misery in the underworld? Of course, you're first plan of action would be to build up your army and get revenge, right? Play Escape from the Underworld and you won't have to keep wondering anymore. This 30 minute platformer game has been getting quite the feedback in reviews. Not only does it feature a pretty cool storyline (Lucifer's biopic, is what I like to call it) but it does this with a kick-ass soundtrack and fun graphics. Created by Banov for a showdown in IndieKombat against fellow indie game developer Andrew Brophy. This is one short but amazingly cool game.