Wordament from Microsoft is a word puzzle game that will have you competing against players from all over the world. Since this game is all about competing against others, you will need an Internet connection (Wi-Fi or otherwise) to play the game. The great thing about this game is that it’s on all the time; you can play as much as you want.

Every round of Wordament will present you with a 4 x 4 grid of 16 letters. When the game starts, you have to look for as many words as you can by linking or touching letters that are next to each other. Simply put, the letter in each word has to touch the letter before it diagonally, horizontally or vertically.


Each word can be found only once per round, but word variations like past tense, present tense and plural count as separate words. If you make too many wrong guesses, you won’t be able to input for a bit, allowing your opponents to take the lead.

What makes Wordament different from other word games is that each round lasts only 2 minutes so you always need to be on your feet and thinking. And since you’re competing against other players, it adds another level of challenge. There are also special rounds that show up every now and then with bonus points.

Wordament used to be available only for Windows Phone but now versions for the iPad and iPhone have also come out. There are a lot of word puzzle games out there but this is one of the most enjoyable and addictive.

Related Links:
Wordament on ITunes
Wordament on Windows Phone Marketplace
Wordament on Facebook
Wordament on Twitter
Official Website