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Jars of Clay: NoiseTrade Eastside Manor Sessions

Jars of Clay fans can celebrate as our favorite alternative rock band releases a bare-boned NoiseTrade Eastside Manor Sessions for free download. The collection features five tracks sang by the band live. First stop is Age of Immature, where Dan Haseltine’s crisp voice serenades our ears accompanied with soothing melodies from a violin. With soft strings and quirky mandolin, the track exudes an air of serenity and balanced energy.

NO/NO: Drag EP

Treat yourself with some fresh energizing sound with NO/NO’s latest EP, Drag. The Wisconsin-based band of Harrison Colby (guitar, vocals), Cat Ries (synth, vocals), Lucas Riddle (bass), and Jeremy Ault (drum pad, sampling) introduces to listeners their signature sound of new wave pop that has punk and darkwave undertones.

Cameron Milford: Highway Wind

A singer-songwriter from Brisbane, Australia, Cameron Milford creates music inspired by the natural events and occurrences experienced by people. His latest EP, Highway Wind, is shaped by blending the sounds of American, traditional county and bluegrass, with the lyricism of folk rock. It was released through Storybridge Sounds on May 2013 and has been dominating indiescape ever since.

Brad Sucks: I Don’t Know What I’m Doing

Dedicated to creating infectious tunes, Brad Sucks' full-lenght album I Don't Know What I'm Doing offers twelve electro rock tunes for steady partying. The brainchild of Brad Turcotte, this one-man band hailing from Ottawa, Canada is focused on writing, recording, and producing tracks that are available for listeners to download and share. In 2001, Brad Sucks started using the Internet to spread his music to a wider audience. Some of the his tracks have already been used on television and played on various radio stations. Brad is also involved in the open source community designing open source packages for musicians.

Parker Smith: Solo Flight

Solo Flight by Parker Smith is an EP composed of songs from live recordings culled from Parker Smith’s solo tour in December 2012 through Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, and North Carolina. Released last 2012, the 11-track EP offers bluegrass tune at its finest.

Dante Alighieri: The Divine Comedy

Hell might be an interesting place after all. It is filled with action and brewing with intensity, at the very least. In Inferno, the third part of Dante Alighieri�s The Divine Comedy, the author thoughtfully creates a vivid picture of what hell looks like. In this book and in the Italian writer�s mind, it is a place where his enemies deserve their rightful place and where people serve their punishments for what they did on earth.