By now, the formula for a perfect pop-rock tune has been perfected (so much) that every new one feels all too generic.

This isn’t the case with Minor Motion, however, as they release their latest effort, Ins & Doubts, wherein they inject as much personality as they can to provide a new experience altogether.

The throwback starts with “Y The Wears At?“, an easy-to-listen pub joint whose riffs cull the height of the Barenaked Ladies’ fame.

Along the same key, the boys glide through the succeeding tracks, going lite-ska (“Refund“), almost ambient (“Sleeps On Walls“), and emulating the early 2000s (“Away“).

minor motion band

The mood changes on the acoustic “Mr. Antiquity“, which reminisces dearly on the yesteryears.

Taking cue from this, gradually varying arrangements can be heard on the pompous “A+” and “Dear Amy“, and even on the sexy “The Bayou“.

The collection concludes with the soft “All The Way“, which ideally caps off all those needed racuousness. No room for ‘ins and doubts’ here.

Track listing:

1. Y The Wears At?
2. Refund
3. Sleeps On Walls
4. Away
5. Mr. Antiquity
6. A+
7. Dear Amy
8. The Bayou
9. 21
10. All The Way

Related links:
Minor Motion on Facebook
Minor Motion on Tumblr
Minor Motion on Reverbnation