Mega Tic Tac Toe from Noam Behar is the mobile version of the classic game, and if you’d played tic tac toe before the gameplay should be very familiar. The rules are simple and you can play it alone or with friends, but it’s more than just a digital version of the game.
In Mega Tic Toe you play with the usual X or O, but here you’re trying to get five in a row instead of the usual three. You aren’t restricted to the 3×3 grid either as you can put your marks anywhere on the infinite grid provided that it’s adjacent to a mark that already exists. What this means is depending on your skill level, a single game could last just a few seconds or much longer.
There are several modes available, including one where you can compete against the AI in varying difficulty levels, and there’s also a pass and play mode. In terms of graphics this is not the most visually impressive on mobile, but it doesn’t have to be to get the job done. The gameplay is precisely how you’d expect tic tac toe to be, and the simple rules mean anyone can get into the game quickly.
Mega Tic Tac Toe is a cool game, and if you’ve played the classic before, you’re going to love this digital version and spend more than a few hours on it. Don’t let the simple graphics fool you as this is a title that will occupy you.
Related Links:
Mega Tic Tac Toe for Windows
Mega Tic Tac Toe for iTunes
Mega Tic Tac Toe for on Google Play