new york

jaeL: #FML

From Brooklyn, New York, comes an MC with a story. Meet Jackson Li. He is otherwise known by his artist name, jaeL which stands for Just An Everyday Life (but i... Read More

Noosa: Wonderland

Welcome the new year with ambient electropop tunes from New York-based songstress Noosa. In her latest album released on 20 May 2014 titled Wonderland, Noosa treats old fans and casual listeners with nine tracks of impeccable tunes.

Get Olde: Crying

I’ll just cut to the chase and tell you that Get Olde from up-and-coming indie group Crying might just be the best 8-bit indie rock you’ll hear in months. Hailing from New York, Crying consists of Elaiza Santos (vocals), Ryan Galloway (guitar/game boy), and Nick Corbo (drums). In this seven-piece collection, the group introduces a fresh new way to appreciate chiptune. Their sound’s distinct, quirky attitude is infectiously addictive.