Warner Bros

Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat X from Warner Bros. is the first iteration of the popular video game franchise on mobile. But even if you’re just a casual gamer you’ve no doubt heard of the game and know what it’s all about, which is all fighting and tearing your opponents limb from limb. The mobile version, fortunately, lives up to the hype.

Uncle Tom’s Bungalow

An old time classic coming from Warner Bros, "Uncle Tom's Bungalow", can be only described as all fun and laughter - exactly what the Looney Tunes are famous for and doing best. With a run-time of 08:33, it is great to see how the environment manages to look convincing with just sketches. On top of that the cartoon features some really epic "characters", from a little kid with the meanest expressions to the sleeping hounds. These little personalities sport varied voice-tones and emotions that words simply cannot do justice.