Android is a well-designed OS, but its lockscreen capabilities can use some improvement, and that’s where Echo Lockscreen Notification comes in. Created by Double Labs, it’s a lockscreen that’s both cool and functional and won’t use up a lot of resources on your mobile. As the name says, it’s a lockscreen with notifications.

The first thing you’ll notice when using the app is that it doesn’t drain your battery’s resources, and this can be attributed to the minimal design. Apart from the time, the screen displays important notifications so even if your Android is locked, you will be notified. To unlock the screen, just swipe.

Once the app is installed, it will set off the alerts and notifications automatically so if something comes up you’ll know it immediately. Better still, a single tap is all it takes to respond to those messages and notifications. Another nice thing about Echo you don’t need to group your Gmail or Instagram alerts because the app does it for you. This is something the app does with other alerts too so they’re organized, so if you want to start with your Gmail alerts you can do so in one step.

Echo also lets you prioritize the notifications so you’ll be alerted to do it tomorrow or any other time you wish, and there’s even a music player if you want some playing. Once the app has been installed, you can go to the settings to change your wallpaper and make changes to the notification.

Echo is a nifty little app: not only does it look cooler than the default Android lockscreen, but with the notifications, you’ll be able to do things faster.

Related Links:
Download Echo Lockscreen
Official Website