Runtastic Six Pack Abs by Runtastic is designed to be a complete portable fitness guide, complete with videos and detailed instructions. Unlike other mobile apps in the market, Runtastic allows for customizable workouts so if you want it intense, you can have it. With this app, you will learn how to do a complete workout safely.


The avatars in the app, Angie and Daniel, will walk you through the exercises with more than 50 HD videos. There are different kinds of workouts covered here so you can easily find the ones you are most comfortable with. The abs workout videos’ difficulty levels can be adjusted, so if you are a beginner you can work your way up slowly.
Runtastic Six Pack Abs comes with a detailed 10 Week Six Pack Plan that you can follow to help you get in shape. In addition to these there are several pre-defined workouts available too. Now if you’re the type who likes to do things your way, there’s My Workouts, which allows you to customize the workouts and focus on specific areas of your body.

Runtastic also lets you set goals for weight loss, and most important you can adjust the schedule and exercise when you have the time. In addition to this Runtastic also has several tips, you can sync the app with all your iOS devices. Taking everything into consideration, this is a very good fitness app that does exactly it says. With this, you no longer need gym equipment of any kind to get those abs you’ve always wanted.

Related Links:
Runtastic Six Pack Abs on iTunes
Runtastic Six Pack Abs on Google Play
Official Website