
(Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Jeff Beck)

Cakeflap “The Bakery is Open” – The Fiercest One-Track Album Ever

The album The Bakery is Open is the debut album of Cakeflap - a four-member band from UK. According to their Myspace page, the band started as just a collaboration of four 'disgruntled employees' who've had 'one too many Digestives'. They then decided to make exhaustingly long songs that run for as long as 20 minutes! The Bakery is Open is a one-track album and that single track is a medley of 18 different instrumental songs. Very understandably, cakeflap describes their music as progressive rock and jazz fusion.

“psychopathethic” by Grace Valhalla

Grace Valhalla is a young, fresh female French DJ & composer. To date, she's released four albums - "psychopathethic" is her first one. Out of all four, "psychopathethic" is the most influenced by rock music. The second album entitled "PEAK~" is definitely more on the electronic side, while the third, "Wire", is a mix between the first two. Her newest album, "summerCamp", has more of a pop feel to it and is the most upbeat and positive.

Grace Valhalla: PEAK~

Grace Valhalla is a young, fresh female French DJ & composer. To date, she's released four albums - "PEAK~" is her second. It's the most electronic of her creations and definitely worth a listen. Download the Zipped Album & a torrent file here.

Grace Valhalla: summerCamp

Grace Valhalla is a young French DJ & composer and "summerCamp" is her fourth album. "You'll find many analog sounds, 8bit sounds and guitars in this album. I wanted something warm, a soft music of summer", says Grace Valhalla. Download her Zipped Album or a Torrent file here.

Rob Costlow: Reconstruction [Contemporary Piano]

Music lovers of all ages will be transported to a less complicated, more relaxed world with Costlow’s collection of original piano melodies that showcase the talent and universal reach of his passionate and raw sound. Even though Costlow’s music is often placed with certain genres, his style is neither new age, classical or jazz. Costlow simply delivers independent, sincere and contemporary music to which listeners can easily relate.

Grace Valhalla: Wire

Grace Valhalla is a young, fresh female French DJ & composer. To date, she's released four albums - "Wire" is her third one. The first of Grace Valhalla's albums, "psychopathethic", is more of a rock album, second entitled "PEAK~" is definitely more on the electronic side, while the third, "Wire", is a mix between the first two, and just like the previous ones contains some melancholic and calm music. Her newest album, "summerCamp", has more of a pop feel to it. Make sure to check out all four of them!