
HAL 9000

Ever wonder what it's like to be facing the infamous antagonist in one of the most celebrated science fiction stories of all time? I'm talking about the sentient on-board computer in, Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey, HAL 9000. Finally, plenty of sci-fi geeks are getting a chance to have their own sentient, "evil" computer right on their very own desktop. For those who are familiar with the film or the books, this one easily helps kickstart the imagination and lets users play pretend on what it must be like to become an astronaut on your way to the biggest planet in the Solar System. Having that red eye camera lens from your screen definitely brings its own category of cool. Give it a download.

Surveillance Screensaver

When was the last time you got excited over a screensaver? If you just said, you can't remember, then check out Surveillance Screensaver. This amazing screensaver lets you access over 400 surveillance cameras worldwide! Everytime you look at your screen, you get to play an amateur detective or a voyeur because pretty much, you get a live feed of what's happening in a particular area in some part of the world. This awesome screensaver runs on a Mac OSX or a Windows and is definitely worth having. It's a bit addictive since every moment you look at the screen, you half expect something important to happen and don't want to miss out. Definitely a cool piece of screensaver you should have.

Lotsa Water

Fascinated by water or simply want a cool screensaver when your Mac is on standby? Check out Lotsa Water. This amazing screensaver gives you the illusion that your entire monitor is submerged underwater. You'll get that realistic looking ripple effect similar to when a raindrop falls on a water's surface. It's simply stunning. The screensaver works on Snow Leopard and requires a Mac OS X 10.3 or a much later version in order to work properly. It's definitely a cool screensaver that you can easily enjoy. Go ahead and grab it. It's available as a free download and will give your Mac an extra special look even when on standby.

Free 3D Japan Screensaver

If you love Japanese scenery, then you'll enjoy this Free 3D Japanese Screensaver. The next best thing about experiencing the beauty and Zen like mood Japan has to offer is to have images of the place plastered on your computer. This free screensaver features some of the most iconic and relaxing images from Japan. It is rendered in full 3D to give it a realistic feel. Every portion of your computer screen will come to life as it breathes Old World Japan with its stunning red pagodas, or maybe give you that modern, ethereal feel of the country with beautiful cherry blossom trees. Click on the download link or the image to get this free screensaver today.


If you feel like helping out Mulder and Scully bring justice to the whole UFO phenomenon, then maybe you can help track them down using Seti@Home. For those who are totally unfamiliar, SETI is an acronym for Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. The program Seti@Home allows you to join a scientific experiment that uses computers that are interconnected to help track down extraterrestrial signals. The free program will help you download and analyze radio telescope data straight into your home computer. The program is essentially an interesting screensaver and science experiment rolled into one.

Twingly – visualize blogging activity worldwide

Are you an avid blogger? Do you take fancy with the idea of seeing all those people blogging at the same time as you are? If you answered, "yes," to both questions, then Twingly is the perfect screensaver for you. The program is still in its beta stages but it works great in providing users with a visual idea of the entire blogosphere. It gives users and bloggers, a chance to see exactly how many people are blogging at the same time all across the world. It is definitely a nifty and fascinating tool to have right in front of your computer screen.

Really Slick Screensavers

Really Slick Screensavers is a group of alternative screensavers for Windows users. These 3D OpenGL screensavers are free to download, and look really cool compared to your stock screensavers. Choose one from the collection of 11 free screensavers, you surely won’t look at your computer the same way again. Put on these screensavers, stare at your monitor for some time, close the lights and throw a party – they are definitely hypnotizing and can take you to another world.