Rigs of Rod is the perfect game or software to have if you are a big fan of trucks, cars, airplanes and boats. If you love driving and want to know what it feels like to handle different types of vehicles, then RoR is a great game to have.

It’s an open source game that will let you crawl, drive and fly in a free and open space. It uses real physics to help give its players the real feeling of driving a truck down a highway or of making a nosedive with an airplane.

The game was created by Pierre-Michel Ricordel and is a great way to entertain yourself if you have some time on your hands.

Rigs of Rod will allow you to choose among different types of vehicles to simulate. You can choose an airplane and check to see how to maneuver it properly in the sky. On the other hand, you can also go for a sail boat to see how it works on the big open sea. Although some of the functions can get a bit tedious, what’s great with RoR is that it relies on soft-body physics when simulating. Essentially, wheels and vehicle chassis are simulated in real time, which gives the game a very realistic feel. When it comes to the airplane simulation, it makes use of the blade element theory which simulates an airplane accurately by taking into consideration their wing airfoils as well as physical dimensions.

It might be a bit misleading to actually call this a game since it’s basically a simulator. There is no real objective except for you to have fun creating and trying out different kinds of vehicles. For those who are not really fascinated with any of these machines, then you might want to steer clear from getting this because you will definitely not like it.

Rigs of Rod is meant for those who already have an inkling or a simple fascination with various vehicles and machines.

Related Links:

Rigs of Rod in StumbleUpon
Rigs of Rod on Blogspot
Rigs of Rod on Open-Tube