
jaeL: #FML

From Brooklyn, New York, comes an MC with a story. Meet Jackson Li. He is otherwise known by his artist name, jaeL which stands for Just An Everyday Life (but i... Read More

Hunters: Drown

For fans of shoegaze who are looking to add a new artist to your roster of playlist regulars, Hunters’ Drown can be a great addition. This three-track album composed of demos displays the fevered music of these Brooklyn natives. Composed of Isabel Almeidaon vocals, Derek Watsonon guitars, Thomas Martin on bass, and Gregg Giuffreon drums, the band has captured the attention of rock legend James Iha (Smashing Pumpkins, A Perfect Circle, Tinted Windows) who now works as the band’s producer.

Rhino House Band: Golden Summer EP

Indulge in a celebration of flavorful indie rock in Rhino House Band‘s latest EP, Golden Summer. Released February this year, the five-track album elicits some head nodding and dancing with its raw energy and lively melodies.

Steel Tipped Dove: slow down dove

If you are hungry for those gentle roasters, deep-toned hefty tracks with an enthralling beat, slow down dove by Steel Tipped Dove just landed from heaven to your playlist. Steel Tipped Dove’s real name is Joe, a Brooklyn-based producer who was originally from upstate New York. Steel Tipped Dove had previously worked with hip-hop artists, such as Big Baby Gandhi.

Oh My Goodness: EP REMIXES

Oh My Goodness‘ self-titled album is a collection of EP Remixes that will make your ears bleed (in a good way). Oh My Goodness EP Remixes tells more of the “worry-core” that Oh My Goodness’ musical style is known for.

Modern Rivals: Sea Legs EP

Explore the tropical jungle of indie pop with Modern Rivals‘ 2012 EP Sea Legs. Hailing from Brooklyn, Mickey, Andrew, Alex, Alex, and Erick have been playing music together since middle school. Featuring four tracks as a sampler to what the band has to offer, the collection explores the territories of sweet tropical dream pop.